Everyone’s got a story.

Your story defines and shapes who you are. Take the story of LDN’s founder and Senior Consultant, Rhoda Phillips. It was Rhoda’s experience of leaving the banking sector and turning around a marine conservation project which birthed her passion to see people and organisations change for the better. She’s seen it happen.

LDN Consultancy was born and shaped by a belief in the value of everyone’s individual potential which, when nurtured, transforms both us and our environments. That’s why LDN Consultancy brings together, in one package, bespoke training support to lead, develop and nurture colleagues so that your organisation performs at its optimum level and true cultural change will result.

LDN will journey with you in your story, to identify the best type of training or coaching which your teams need. We’ll listen to you, support your vision for change and give you the integrated and bespoke tool-kit you need, resulting in enhanced organisational performance. And we’ll stay connected with you to make sure that you stay on track.

Get in touch to change your story and join the LDN community!